Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, non-traumatic amputations, heart attacks, and life expectancy is shortened by approximately10 years if it is not controlled.
According to WHO, in Pakistan, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus is 10 % while in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa there are an estimated 2,00,000 patients with diabetes mellitus, 20,000 of which are Type 1 insulin-dependent.
Type I patients, mostly young require insulin for life and if they do not get it they die within few months.
Type 2 patients require oral treatment but most of them require insulin at a later stage of life which is required to prevent those horrible complications listed above.
Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and metabolic diseases Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar, provides almost 10-15000pts per year and most of them are with complications and require insulin.
There are numerous occasions when patients come back with complications just because they have no insulin to use.
Free insulin
Type-I, Type-II GDM patients unit dispencing
Free Medicine to patients
- Anti Diabetic
- Anti Hypertensive
- Anti Lipids
Monthly Dose to registered patients
Free Glucometer + Strips + Lancets
To all type-1 patientsRegistered patients
How New Registration for free insulin?
- Zakat form (Duly filled)
- OPD slip (Consultant)
- Recommendations from Endocrinology HOD
The insulin for life program is to help those patients who require insulin for their survival which are type 1 diabetic patients.
Type 2 patients on the other hand are usually controlled on oral drugs but later require insulin for controlling diabetes and to prevent complications of diabetes. By implementing insulin for life in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa we can prevent in long run premature deaths and complications in children and young patients and also can prevent complications in Type 2 diabetes hence reducing the load of complications like blindness, heart attack, kidney failure, stroke, and amputations.